NEST Classroom Policies & Etiquette
For the enjoyment and safety of all class participates and caregivers please adhere to the policies when taking part in a class at NEST Center City.
1. PLEASE KEEP SICK CHILDREN AND ADULTS AT HOME. We ask that all children are symptom, fever, and vomit free for 24 hours before returning to NEST. Please alert NEST staff if you child comes down with anything highly contagious so we can properly sanitize.
2. We ask that you only bring the REGISTERED child to class; we cannot accommodate siblings in classes. If you have any questions about siblings in classes, please contact our Programs Director at with any questions.
3. Shoes are NOT permitted in our classrooms. Shoes can be placed in our shoe trays before class. All class participants must wear socks when taking part in class for hygienic purposes. Socks are available for both children and adults at the front desk for $2.
4. NO FOOD OR DRINK of any kind is permitted in the classroom. If your child needs to eat or drink, please feel free to do so outside of the classroom. Please leave all foods containing nuts at home. NEST strives to be a nut-free facility.
5. All classroom doors will remain closed until the start of class. Some classes need a changeover to happen in a short amount of time. We ask for your patience as we set up our classrooms for your class. Take off your shoes and the instructor will let you in when they’re ready for you.
6. For everyone’s enjoyment of the class, we cannot accept those who arrive more than 10 minutes late to class. If you are going to be late or cannot make it to class, please call NEST at 445-223-2683 so we can schedule a makeup. (Please see #9 for makeup policies)
7. If a class is listed as ADULT/PARENT-REQUIRED, please be prepared for full-engagement in ALL instructed activities.
8. You are responsible for your child’s behavior in the classroom. Please make sure your child conducts him/herself in a way that does not affect the health, wellbeing, and full enjoyment of other children and caregivers.
9. NEST reserves the right to close the facility due to holidays, inclement weather, special events, or unforeseen circumstances. Every attempt will be made to inform class participants of such closings. Class enrollees will be granted a makeup for the days. Please be sure to check our social media accounts as all updates will be listed there first.
10. Families are granted two (2) make-ups per session. These may be used in any class that has available spots and is age appropriate. All make-ups must be completed in the session in which you are enrolled.
Thank you for continually following NEST's Program Policies.
We hope you enjoy your class time spent with us, we’re certainly glad you’re here!